Interval Fretboard Trainer

If you find this tool useful, you might also like the closely related Scale Degree Fretboard Trainer.

Minor 2nd Major 2nd Minor 3rd Major 3rd
Unison Perfect 4th Tritone Perfect 5th Octave
Minor 6th Major 6th Minor 7th Major 7th
Minor 9th Major 9th Minor 10th Major 10th

Tuning: |
Interval Fretboard Trainer
This tool will help ingrain a knowledge of intervals on the guitar neck. After notes, intervals are probably the most fundamental building blocks of music. Each type of chord is constructed from a set of intervals and scales and arpeggios are formed through sequence of intervals.
The interval trainer will display two notes on the fretboard and you need to pick what the interval is between them. You can use the trainer in game or practice mode. Game mode gives you 99 seconds to pick as many intervals as you can while practice mode removes the countdown timer and adds a “Tell Me” feature to tell you the interval if your having problems.
The trainer can test all intervals from Unison up to a Major 10th. You can see your performance on each interval in the interval table and select which intervals you want to be tested. Additionally, altered tunings are supported.
I hope this is useful and feel free to leave any feedback in the comments below.

I’m fairly new to this, so its quite confusing to me. I guess I should learn the scales first hu?
Can I use this interval trainer offline? Or can I download it?
Hi Dmitriy,
No, the apps designed to be used online from the site. I haven’t developed a download version at this point.
Great learning app. An additional function would helpful. You could group sets of strings. So an example would be to turn on only the GBE string. Then move up to DGBE and so on. That would help memorizing the intervals in a specific string group.
Anyway thanks for great site
Outstanding training app–this has helped me understanding intervals–thanks
Thank you for your app, They’re so useful! I use them every day now!
Thanks Alex
I don’t understand any of these…
I very much appreciate the apps.
Thank you!
Need a way to confine the intervals to “near” or “reachable” chord/arpeggio shapes such as “within 3 frets and three strings to eliminate the never needed intervals 5 frets away and 4 strings up. It’s difficult enough to learn the close ones without the frustration ;of failing on the far away, never needed intervals. Maybe three ranges would be good 1) within 4 frets and 3 strings, then add 3 strings but only two frets; 2) etc. Also be able to pick “up” the strings direction or down. Also be able to click on the exact note to use as the root note.
As it is now, there’s just too many goofball, never needed (except by Satriani) intervals that normal players will always get wrong.
I’d like to see a slight change in, for instance, the fretboard interval trainer. When you get the interval wrong and then click the “Tell Me” icon, the interval you had trouble with disappears. I’d like to see it along with the correct response for at least a couple of seconds. Thank you.
Great tool – thank you! One suggestion would be to also include intervals below the root.
Thank you for this great app. It’s really helped me learn intervals. I have a suggestion: How about including intervals for string skips for Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th and Major 6th?
Very helpful. Could you possibly include dobro tuning? Gbdgbd
This is really helpful. Plzz add descending intervals.
Can there be the sound of the interval itself included? Just an idea
Great tool to help anyone who wants to identify intervals as quickly as possible. The best part is that it’s free. Kudos for the guy (or girl) who created that. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the helpful site! Think there’s a bug though, got a G-B that said was a Maj7
I could very easily be wrong also lol
Hey man I’ve been using this daily for the last couple weeks, its great for practice, now I got all of them down except m9th-M10th. It would be really cool if you could make an option so we can learn the intervals on the bottom as well. or instead of an option, just add a bunch of new interavels in the code, but make the root note color coordinated so that way whom ever uses this knows which one is the root note. just a cool feature if you know how to implement it
Sounds like you’re after the Scale Degree Fretbaord Trainer: