More Backing Tracks – Metal and Jazz Tracks

Here are the backing tracks that focus on different scales and concepts to the tracks on the other pages. These tracks are designed to allow you to explore other scales that are not among the six common scales that the other tracks focus on. The tracks are grouped into three metal tracks and three jazz tracks. The metal tracks allow you to explore the Phrygian Mode, the Phrygian Dominant Scale and the Harmonic Minor Scale. In the Jazz tracks, there is a track to develop your soloing with the Lydian mode and two more advanced tracks based on a jazz blues and Rhythm Changes. These two tracks will involve a lot more complex changing of scales through out the progression.
These tracks have been provided by Jamplay from a previous version of their backing track library before they merged with TrueFire. Jamplay has now merged with TrueFire, another leader in online video guitar lessons and the backing track library there has also changed and evolved with this. It now includes things such as multitrack audio backings as well as a wide range of backing tracks to solo over.
Here are the tracks in a playlist if you would like to play through them all, or continue below for the individual tracks and their transcriptions.
Individual Tracks:
Metal Tracks:
- Modal Metal for E Phrygian
- Phrygian Dominant Metal for E Phrygian Dominant and E Natural Minor
- A Harmonic Minor Metal Track
Jazz Tracks:
- Lydian Dreams for E Lydian and D Lydian
- Uptempo Jazz Blues in Bb
- Jazz Rhythm Changes in Bb (Uptempo Swing)
Modal Metal for E Phrygian
A metal backing track that by David MacKenzie that can be used to develop your Phrygian Mode soloing with.
Phrygian Dominant Metal for E Phrygian Dominant and E Natural Minor
A metal track to develop your soloing with the Phrygian Dominant Scale. The two sections of the progression will use different scales. The main section will use E Phrygian Dominant while the middle section of the progression can use a straight E Aeolian or minor pentatonic.
A Harmonic Minor Metal Track
A track designed to allow you to practice your A Harmonic Minor improvisation.
Jazz Backings
Here are a couple of jazz backing tracks. A track to develop your soloing with the Lydian Mode, a jazz blues and rhythm changes. From a scales perspective, these tracks will be much more challenging to solo over than the others in this section, with the exception of the Lydian track, the scale used would change frequently throughout the progressions. The Lydian track also involves changes between two different Lydian modes, E and D.
Lydian Dreams for E Lydian and D Lydian
A track to develop your soloing with the Lydian Mode. For the first 8 bars in the progression you can use the E Lydian and then the D Lydian for the next 8 bars. These scale choices are marked in the appropriate sections of the transcription.
Uptempo Jazz Blues in Bb
An upbeat version of the most basic form of a Jazz blues in Bb
Jazz Rhythm Changes in Bb (Uptempo Swing)
This track is based on the “Rhythm Changes” jazz chord progression that has been used in countless jazz compositions. The track is uptempo and rhythm changes was used heavily in bebop improvisation.
More Tracks
These tracks have been provided by Jamplay from a previous version of their backing track library before they merged with TrueFire.
Jamplay has now merged with TrueFire, another leader in online video guitar lessons and the backing track library there has also changed and evolved with this. It now includes things such as multitrack audio backings where you can mute the different parts, as well as a wide range of your more traditional backing tracks to solo over. There are also InTheJam packages where you can jam with famous artists like Eric Johnson.
Visit the Jamplay/TureFire library