Dorian Mode Backing Tracks

Here’s a collection of backing tracks to improvise over with the Dorian mode. You can also use the minor pentatonic scale over these backing tracks as all the notes in the minor pentatonic scale are also in the Dorian mode.
These tracks have been provided by Jamplay from a previous version of their backing track library before they merged with TrueFire. Jamplay has now merged with TrueFire, another leader in online video guitar lessons and the backing track library there has also changed and evolved with this. It now includes things such as multitrack audio backings as well as a wide range of backing tracks to solo over.
Here’s a playlist with the dorian mode tracks and if you read below, you can access the individual tracks with their transcriptions.
Individual Tracks:
- You Don’t Say in D Minor
- Mr. Dorian Does The Fuse in G Minor
- Steady Dorian Involving A Dorian and B Dorian
- FunkySRV Involving A Dorian and B Dorian
You Don’t Say in D Minor
A slower tempo track to practice your improvisation with the D Dorian scale. All the chords in this chord progression are formed from the D Dorian mode, making this scale the ideal choice for soloing over the whole progression.
Mr. Dorian Does The Fuse in G Minor
A nice G minor vamp by David Wallimann to practice your G Dorian over. Funky sort of feel with an upbeat bass line throughout.
Changing Scales
The following two backing tracks involve changing the Dorian mode you are using during your improvisation. This should provide a good introduction to using multiple different scales during a solo.
Steady Dorian Involving A Dorian and B Dorian
Here’s a backing track that you can use to try moving between two different Dorian modes. Most of the track is based in A Dorian but the track moves to and from B Dorian as well. Take a look at the transcription where it is marked when the scale should change and practice improvising solos where the scale you use is changing between A Dorian and B Dorian.
FunkySRV Involving A Dorian and B Dorian
Here’s a funky based backing track also by David Wallimann with a blues funk guitar riff throughout.
The track modulates between A minor and B minor. See if you can hear when the modulation is occurring and try changing scales from A Dorian to the B Dorian and back in your soling when the modulation occurs.
More Tracks
These tracks have been provided by Jamplay from a previous version of their backing track library before they merged with TrueFire.
Jamplay has now merged with TrueFire, another leader in online video guitar lessons and the backing track library there has also changed and evolved with this. It now includes things such as multitrack audio backings where you can mute the different parts, as well as a wide range of your more traditional backing tracks to solo over. There are also InTheJam packages where you can jam with famous artists like Eric Johnson.
Visit the Jamplay/TureFire library

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